Tag: social engineering

  • Social engineering attacks: Explanation, examples, and how to prevent them

    Social engineering attacks: Explanation, examples, and how to prevent them

    Social engineering is a method of manipulating individuals to divulge sensitive information or perform actions that may harm an organisation. These attacks are often used to gain access to confidential information. This information can include passwords, bank account details, and personal identification information. The attacks may be carried out through various mediums such as email,

  • What are phishing attacks? See the definition, types and how to prevent it

    What are phishing attacks? See the definition, types and how to prevent it

    In today’s digital age, phishing attacks have become increasingly prevalent, making it more important than ever to understand what they are and how to prevent them. Phishing attacks are a type of social engineering attack that targets individuals or organisations to gain sensitive information such as passwords, financial information, and personal data. The attacker typically

  • Social Engineering Attacks and Countermeasures

    Social Engineering Attacks and Countermeasures

    Social engineering attacks are a type of cyber attack that use psychological manipulation to deceive individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that benefit the attacker. These attacks are a growing threat to organisations of all sizes, and they are often successful due to the human element involved. What do social engineering attacks look

  • Closed Door Security: Our Experience with an MSP’s Internal Network Security

    Closed Door Security: Our Experience with an MSP’s Internal Network Security

    At Closed Door Security, we were previously hired by an MSP to conduct an internal assessment of their network. The audit was carried out from an assumed breach standpoint where a malicious device was attached to the internal network by an ’employee’. Our testing led to the discovery that the network was vulnerable, and our