Closed Door Security

Best Practices and Common Threats in Cyber Security for Remote Workers

Remote working is becoming more common in the workplace, so too are the cyber security risks for remote workers. Due to the fact that they frequently use their personal devices and networks for work, remote employees are more susceptible to cyber threats. 

To help negate some of the cyber threats that can arise from remote working, here are our top cyber security tips.

Top tips for keeping remote workers safe from cyber attacks

Moreover, maintaining software and operating systems with the most recent security patches is another crucial step. This aids in defending against vulnerabilities that hackers are known to exploit.

When gaining access to corporate resources or confidential information, remote employees should also use a virtual private network (VPN). Data in transit is encrypted via a VPN, preventing hackers from intercepting it.

The use of public Wi-Fi networks poses another frequent concern. Public Wi-Fi is frequently unsafe and open to hacker interception. When possible, remote workers should refrain from conducting business-related activity on a public WiFi network.

In general, remote employees are essential to their employer’s Cyber Security and can contribute to keeping sensitive company data secure by adhering to recommended practices and being watchful for prevalent dangers.

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